Vimeo & Vimeo Pro
Infinite Slide Pro can be added in as many instances as you want. ISP can play video or audio directly in the thumbnails, or use the Revolution Lightbox to play media files like Youtube, Vimeo, video, audio, HLS, VAST/VMAP, Google IMA SDK and much more and of course open new pages when the a thumbnail is clicked. For the password protected video or audio the password is Meli.
Our Happy Client Say
Better to see what people are actually saying
“The team support is outstanding. They fixed a problem for me in a very short time. Excellent support, excellent product.”
Principiate - Client from ENVATO
“Wow. I was really surprised how good and simple this plugin performs. Exeeded all my expectations. Well done!”
Saniaja - Client from ENVATO
“Really great plugin and easy to use! I had a question and I immediately got an answer. The plugin and author deserves more than 5 stars!!!.”
Nicnac1234 - Client from ENVATO

Infinite Slider Pro is a fully multimedia infinte slider one of kind that allows to display images, video and audio files with unparalleled premium features. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors.
Thumbnail audio password
Support for thumbnail audio password, test password is Meli, Easy Video Player.
Thumbnail audio password
Support for thumbnail audio password, test password is Meli, Easy Video Player.
Thumbnail audio support
Thumbmail audio support, self hosted or external hosted .mp4, Easy Video Player
Thumbnail video subtitle
Support for optional thumbnail subtitle .srt.
Thumbnail video password
Support for optional thumbnail video password, test password is Meli.
Link Click Support
Open a custom page with in the same or a different tab, Easy Video Player.
Lightbox Image Support
Lightbox Image Support (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .jfi, .jfif, .exif, .svg).
Lightbox Image Support
Lightbox Image Support (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .jfi, .jfif, .exif, .svg).
Lightbox Monetization
Google Adsense & IMA SDK/Interactive Media Ads support, Easy Video Player.
Google Adsense & IMA SDK/Interactive Media Ads
Google Adsense & IMA SDK/Interactive Media Ads support, Easy Video Player.
Lightbox Cloud Storage
Google Drive, Dropbox, and pretty much all cloud storage platforms, Easy Video Player.
Google Drive And Other Cloud Storage
Google Drive, Dropbox, and pretty much all cloud storage platforms, Easy Video Player.
Lightbox Audio
Ultimate 3D Carousel has included Easy Video Player with amazing features.
MP3 Self Hosted Or External Hosted
Ultimate 3D Carousel has included Easy Video Player with amazing features.
Lightbox Live Streaming
Support for the HLS/HTTP Live Streaming and DASH MPEG formats, Easy Video Player.
HLS/HTTP Live Streaming & DASH MEPG
Support for the HLS/HTTP Live Streaming and DASH MPEG formats, Easy Video Player.
Lightbox Video With Subtitle
Ultimate 3D Carousel has included Easy Video Player with amazing features.
MP4 Self/External Hosted With Subtitle
Ultimate 3D Carousel has included Easy Video Player with amazing features.
Lightbox Private With Thumbnails Preview
Private/password protected videos with auto-generated thumbnails preview, test password is Meli.
Private/Protected Video With Thumbnails Preview
Private/password protected videos with auto-generated thumbnails preview, test password is Meli.
Lightbox Youtube
Youtube support, Easy Video Player.
Youtube support, Easy Video Player.
Lightbox Vimeo & Vimeo Pro
Vimeo & Vimeo Pro support, Easy Video Player.
Vimeo & Vimeo Pro
Vimeo & Vimeo Pro support, Easy Video Player.
Lightbox VAST & VMAP
VAST/Video Ad Serving Template & VMAP/Video Multiple Ad Playlist support, Easy Video Player.
VAST/Video Ad Serving Template & VMAP/Video Multiple Ad Playlist support, Easy Video Player.
360 Degree Panoramic Video
Support for 360 degree panoramic videos using, Easy Video Player.
360 Degree Panoramic Video
Support for 360 degree panoramic videos using, Easy Video Player.
Panoramic 360 VR Aand Stereoscopic Video
360 Immersive VR / virtual reality 360 video and Cardboard mode support are added using WebXR and, Easy Video Player.
Panoramic 360 VR Aand Stereoscopic Video
360 Immersive VR / virtual reality 360 video and Cardboard mode support are added using WebXR and, Easy Video Player.
Lightbox Google Maps
Google maps support using Iframe embed.
Google Maps Support
Google maps support using Iframe embed.
Lightbox PDF Support
Easily display .pdf format.
PDF Support
Easily display .pdf format.
Lightbox Image Support
Lightbox Image Support (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .jfi, .jfif, .exif, .svg).
Lightbox Image Support
Lightbox Image Support (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .jfi, .jfif, .exif, .svg).
Maximize & Minimize For Images
Maximize/minimize button and maximize/minimize double click/tap feature for images.
Maximize & Minimize For Images
Maximize/minimize button and maximize/minimize double click/tap feature for images. The maximize zoom factor can be set to a custom value to allow fine tune controll on the maximized image..
Infinite Loop
Drag the grid infintelly.
Infinite Loop
IGP can be dragged infinitelly horizontal, veritcal or both.
Revolution Lightbox Included
The most powerful lightbox in the world.
Revolution Lightbox Includedt
The most powerful lightbox in the world.
Responsive Layout
Resposive and multiple display types.
Responsive Layout
Fully responsive and adaptable regardless of which device is used.
Easy To Configure And Install
Easy to include in your project.
Easy To Configure And Install
Easy to include in your project. Featuring detailed documentation and video tutorials with sample demo pages ready for use.
Video & Audio In Thumbnails
Support for video and audio directly in the grid thumbnails.
Video & Audio In Thumbnails
Support for video and audio directly in the grid thumbnails.
True Multimedia Content
Support for images, video and multiple video formats.
True Multimedia Content
Support for images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .jfi, .jfif, .exif, .svg), audio (.mp3, m4a, .acc), Shoutcast, Icecast, video (.mp4, .webm, .ogv), Google Drive, Dropbox or other cloud platforms, Youtube, Vimeo, HLS/HTTP Live Streaming m3u8, DASH MPEG, Google maps, PDF, HTML content, Iframe and more.
Share Button And Share Window
Share button and share window with nine share social platforms.
Share Button And Share Window
Share button and share window with nine share social platforms, the share social platforms buttons can be ordered and also removed as needed.
Advanced Video Advertising
VAST - Video Ad Serving Template and VMAP, IMA SDK for HTML5 and DFP / Google Doubleclick IMA tags.
Advanced Video Advertising
VAST - Video Ad Serving Template and VMAP - Video Multiple Ad Playlist support and Google Adsense Interactive Media Ads SDKs - IMA SDK for HTML5 and DFP / Google Doubleclick IMA tags.
Caption Support
Customizable CSS formatted caption with two animation types (opacity and motion).
Caption Support
Customizable CSS formatted caption with two animation types (opacity and motion) and three-position type (over the lightbox item at the top or bottom or under the lightbox item).
Chromecast Support
Play mp4 video, mp3 audio or HLS/m3u8 files on your TV screen using Chromecast.
Chromecast Support
Play mp4 video, mp3 audio or HLS/m3u8 files on your TV screen using Chromecast, the media can be controlled via the video player interface basically, the browser and the video player become a remote tv, example here.
Video Thumbnails Live Preview
Video thumbnails preview created from a .vtt file or live auto-generated video thumbnails.
Video Thumbnails Live Preview
Video thumbnails preview created from a .vtt file or live auto-generated video thumbnails.
Private Password Protected Video/Audio
Private Video/Audio with MD5 encrypted password, this feature applies to Youtube and Vimeo as well.
Private Password Protected Video/Audio
Private Video/Audio with MD5 encrypted password, this feature applies to Youtube and Vimeo as well.
Desktop And Mobile Optimized
Support for mouse and touch for mobile devices and touch screens.
Desktop And Mobile Optimized
Support for mouse and touch for mobile devices and touch screens.
Unique and shareable link for the current opened gallery item.
Unique and shareable link for the current opened gallery item.
Youtube and Vimeo support
Revolution Lightbox Youtube and Vimeo support.
Youtube and Vimeo support
Revolution Lightbox Youtube and Vimeo support.
Video & Audio Subtitles
Support for subtitles, the format can be .txt, .srt or .vtt.
Video & Audio Subtitles
Support for subtitles, the format can be .txt, .srt or .vtt.
Constant Development And Updates
Once purchased, infinite Grid Pro comes with access to support and free updates.
Constant Development And Updates
Once purchased, infinite Grid Pro comes with access to support and free updates.
Direct support from the developer
Once you buy Revolution Lightbox you will also receive direct support and attention from the developer. Tibi @ FWD.
Lightbox Image Support
Once you buy Revolution Lightbox you will also receive direct support and attention from the developer. Tibi @ FWD.
Video And Audio Keyboard support
Control the video and audio uing the keyboard.
Video And Audio Keyboard support
Control the video and audio uing the keyboard.
Parallax Scrolling Effect
Optional parallax support when the page is scrolled..
Parallax Scrolling Effect
Optional parallax support when the page is scrolled..
Random Images
The option to randomize the images order everytime the page is visited.
Random Images
The option to randomize the images order everytime the page is visited.