More than just a Slider Carousel
The ultimate solution for creating beautiful sliders for your website
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One Slider
many superpowers
Your secret weapon to creating stunning image, video and audio responsive sliders even with zero experience and dazzle your clients with jaw-dropping visuals that look amazing on any device.

Faster by using
hardware accceleration
Simple Image Slider Carousel is using the latest JavaScript and CSS techniques for the best possible performance using the GPU this way the animations are smooth and on mobile devices the battery consumption is minimal.

Very easy
to use and setup
Easy to include in your project. Featuring detailed documentation and video tutorials with sample demo pages ready for use.
Create Outstanding, Professional Slider Carousels With No Coding Experience Required!
Build rich multimedia sliders that your clients will LOVE!
100% Responsive
Vast & Adsense
Video & Audio
Parallax Support
Infinite Loop
A Tons Of Features
Well thought premium features.
Multiple Display Types
Responsive, fluid-width, fullscreen, afterParent... this feature makes it very easy to integrate the slider it in your website.
Desktop & Mobile Optimized
The slider is optimized for mouse and touch inputs.
Lazy Scrolling/Loading
Initialize the slider and start to load/display images only when the slider is visible in the page.
Multiple Instances
One or more slider instance can be used and each instance can be configured individually, example here.
Multiple Presets
SISC has included multiple presets that can be used out of the box.
Slideshow Support
Slideshow support with customizable slideshow dealy in milliseconds.
Drag & Swipe Support
Drag support to navigate between the slider images, this feature is supported both with mouse and touch.
Keyboard support
Use the left and right arrow to navigate between images or scrub the video, space to play/pause the video, F to go video fullscreen, M to mute the video, Up and Down to change video volume.
Image Maximize & Minimize
This feature allows maximizing the image on double click or a single click. The zoom factor can be set to any value that you want allowing you to fine-tune how much the image will be scaled when maximized.
Parallax Scrolling Effect
Optional parallax support when the page is scrolled.
Fullscreen Support
The slider has native fullscreen support using a fullscreen button.
Navigation Buttons
Next and previous image buttons.
Custom Buttons Postion
The next and previous image buttons can be positioned near to the center image or at the slider sides with fine tune controll.
Autohide Buttons
The buttons and controls can be set to autohide after a number of seconds of inactivity.
Cick To Open Page
The center image can be set to open a new page when clicked, the page URI and target can be set, example here.
Customizable Slider Geometry
The slider image borders, spacing, reflections, shadows, colors and other visual settings can be customized with ease.
Multiple Transition Types
SISC supports multiple transtions and the transition can be set to be slower or faster based on a value in milliseconds.
Customizable Images Number
The posibility to show all images or a specific number of images to the left and right of the main image in the center.
Random Images
The option to randomize the images order everytime the page is visited.
Caption Support
The caption be added inside the image, at the bottom or top of the image or outside the image at the bottom.
Video & Audio Support
Support for various video or audio formats like .mp3, .mp4, Shoutcast, Icecast, Youtube, Vimeo and Vimeo Pro, HLS/.m3u8, DASH MPEG/.mpd live streaming, Google Drive, Dropbox and other cloud platforms.
Multiple video quality levels HTTP Live Streaming HLS / .m3u8 files
HLS handles quality switch automatically and multiple audio tracks support, using heuristics based on fragment loading bitrate and quality level bandwidth exposed in the variant manifest, basically the player will choose the best possible quality based on user bandwidth and player size also it supports optional quality level buttons, when playing an HLS video file the quality levels will be generated and the user will be able to select the quality from the quality selector buttons, example here.
Audio Tracks Support For .mp4 / Video
Support for video / mp4 multiple audio tracks, please note that this feature is limited by browser support, browsers that do not have support for the HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks video property will not display the headphone button that allows changing the video audio track.
360 degree videos and immersive VR
Play 360 Degree Panoramic Video and Panoramic 360 VR Aand Stereoscopic Video, 360 Immersive VR / virtual reality 360 video and Cardboard mode support are added using WebXR, any Html5 video is supported including Mpeg Dash, HLS Native and HLS.JS, turn your device into a virtual reality video machine, this feature allows using Cardboard goggles or VR hardware like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to display a VR 360 video scene.
Easy Video Player
EVP is used as the video/audio engine.
“Video Ad Serving Template”. Monetize your videos using VAST / VMAP and a sophisticated mix of video advertising, example here.
IMA SDK for HTML5 and DFP / Google Adsense Doubleclick IMA tags. The ultimate ad revenue and monetization, example example.
Video Autoplay
Support for video autoplay, the video autoplay works on all machines including mobile devices.
Private Video & Audio
Protected password video and audio.
Chromecast Support
Play mp4 video, mp3 audio or HLS/m3u8 files on your TV screen using Chromecast, the media can be controlled via the video player interface basically the browser and the video player becomes a remote tv.
Video Thumbnails Live Preview
Video thumbnails preview created from a .vtt file or live auto-generated video thumbnails inside the.
Subtitle Support
Support for subtitles, all video and audio supported formats can display a subtitile in .srt format.
Powerful API Included
Full set of API methods and API events, example here.
Custom Support
Support directlly from the plugin developer - Tibi @ FWD.
Detailed Documentation
Detailed documentation and examples included.
Our Happy Client Say
Better to see what people are actually saying
“The team support is outstanding. They fixed a problem for me in a very short time. Excellent support, excellent product.”
Principiate - Client from ENVATO
“Wow. I was really surprised how good and simple this plugin performs. Exeeded all my expectations. Well done!”
Saniaja - Client from ENVATO
“Really great plugin and easy to use! I had a question and I immediately got an answer. The plugin and author deserves more than 5 stars!!!.”
Nicnac1234 - Client from ENVATO